Q: The finale of LOST is this Sunday. This makes me depressed and itchy. I would like to eat LOST-themed food to ease the pain. Please suggest something. NO SPOILERS.

(Readers, add your own ideas in the comment section! It'll be punnerific!)
Shephard’s Pie: This upstanding concoction of fish and Dharma potatoes should sustain and heal the party until about halfway through the meal, when your friends experience a philosophical flip-flop and reassess the meaning of the pie. (Thanks to Little Kitchen Mouse for this one.)
E-Clairs: Happily, this dessert starts off sweet and presents well. Sadly, with the addition of nuts, it quickly degenerates into a visual crapheap. (Serve with a side of bonebaby.)
Sun Jin Fizz: Warning: prolonged mistreatment of this pretty, pleasant cocktail will result in explosions, being caught in a bear trap, and a humbling journey through time and space.
Miles to Go Before I Dip: At first, you won’t understand the function of this sharp, rather disagreeable onion dip. But it’s served in a bowl where you can see the ghosts of other onion dips, so that’s cool.
WAAAAALTed Milkshake: While this youthful drink initially seems promising, it will be kidnapped by pirates, at which point it will quickly age out of its usefulness.
Juliomelet: This capable, attractive dish will quickly become your favorite meal, until it’s inexplicably sucked down a mineshaft. Then it will become someone else’s favorite dish on the show right after this one.
Lady Lockes, Stock, and Two Smoked Muensters: Imagine your favorite chicken broth topped with pungent frommage, served with creampuffs for dipping on the side. Does it make sense? No. You will eat it anyway.
Kate Flambé: This isn’t actually a recipe, but the Husband-Elect assures me that many would like to see it happen.
Readers, whatchoo got? The comment section is awaiting your ideas for LOST-themed food. We need something for Sawyer, Desmond, Charlie, Ben, and all the rest, brotha.
Want to ask the interweb a question? Post one in the comment section, or write to Cheaphealthygood@gmail.com. Then, tune in next Tuesday for an answer/several answers from the good people of the World Wide Net.